Crimes of the heart (2025)

It’s Hazelhurst, Mississippi, in 1974, on the day of Lenny's birthday, of all days, the Magrath sisters are going through a terrible family ordeal. The family patriarch, old grandpa, is rapidly deteriorating in the hospital. Middle sister Meg, who left Hazelhurst during Hurricane Camille in order to pursue a career in Hollywood, has been called back to her hometown. Babe is in jail for shooting her husband Zachary because she "didn't like his looks." Meg's former lover, Doc Porter, and Babe's attorney, Barnette Lloyd, are making every effort to assist the sisters, but Cousin Chick-the-Stick is causing further problems. With a heart as big as a "Jumbo Deluxe" birthday cake, the Magrath home is full of dysfunction, grief, wit, and humor. The play ultimately tells the tale of how its characters escape the past to seize the future—but the telling is so true and touching and consistently hilarious that it will linger in the mind long after the curtain has descended.

The play was presented at St. John Theatre March 14, 15, and 16 2025.

To read the production program click HERE.

Director: Danielle Ordoyne