Hurricane Ida Repairs Update #2

One year ago our region was devastated by the effects of Hurricane Ida. While St. John Theatre was fortunate to be spared major damage, the theatre did suffer some damages that are now being repaired. The main roof has been repaired; new siding and fascia are in place. The contractors are now working on the interior spaces. All four of our dressing rooms will be getting new sheet-rock and paint as well as our ticketbooth, Managing Director's office, and men’s restroom. There will be new wallpaper and carpeting in the lobby. While we are awaiting the finishing touches, please be assured that we are ready to welcome you back into our historic theater as soon as everything is complete.

We are working on a full calendar of events for our 2023 season and can't wait to share with you soon all the exciting events we have planned.

See you soon!